

Good news! The issues with SELinux have been fixed in Fedora 40, so you can enjoy full TLP functionality again.


  • Officially supported Fedora releases

Package Installation

TLP packages are available from the official Fedora repositories:

Hint: packages for RHEL/CentOS are available from the EPEL repositories.

Install the packages either with your favorite package manager or the command:

sudo dnf install tlp tlp-rdw

TLP Repository

If the latest TLP version is not yet available in the official Fedora repositories, you can get it from the TLP repository, which can be set up with the following command:

sudo dnf install https://repo.linrunner.de/fedora/tlp/repos/releases/tlp-release.fc$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Hint: the above step is only needed after a clean Fedora installation, not after release upgrades.

After the repository is set up, install TLP with the command:

sudo dnf install tlp tlp-rdw

Remove conflicting power management tools

When installing TLP, conflicting power management tools must be uninstalled:

  • Fedora version 40 and below

    sudo dnf remove power-profiles-daemon
  • Fedora version 41 and newer

    sudo dnf remove tuned tuned-ppd

See also

FAQ: power-profiles-daemon

Service Units

To complete the installation you must enable TLP’s service:

sudo systemctl enable tlp.service

You should also mask the following services to avoid conflicts and assure proper operation of TLP’s Radio Device Switching options:

sudo systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.service systemd-rfkill.socket

See also

FAQ: Service units

Legacy ThinkPads only: External Kernel Module for Battery Care


Fedora 40 was released with Linux kernel 6.8. In combination with TLP 1.5 or newer it offers full battery care support (i.e. charge thresholds and recalibration) for ThinkPads from model year 2011 onwards. The same applies to later Fedora versions.

An external kernel module (also referred to as “out-of-tree” module) is not required in this case, and the following steps are not necessary. However, if your model is from 2011 or older, read on.

Only if the bottom of the output of tlp-stat -b, section ‘Recommendations’, shows the line

Install tp-smapi kernel modules for ThinkPad battery thresholds and recalibration

then install the required kernel modules. They are not available from the official Fedora repositories. Instead you need to add the TLP (see above) and RPM Fusion repositories:

sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Hint: the above step is only needed after a clean Fedora installation, not after release upgrades.

Required packages:

  • kernel-devel (Fedora repo) – Needed to build the kernel module from the akmod package

  • akmod-tp_smapi (TLP repo) – optional – External kernel module source providing battery charge thresholds and recalibration

Install either with your favorite package manager or the command

sudo dnf install kernel-devel akmod-tp_smapi

New packages are available in the tlp-updates-testing repository first:

sudo dnf --enablerepo=tlp-updates-testing install kernel-devel akmod-tp_smapi


  • The akmod-* package is provided “as is” by a volunteer, it is not part of the TLP project

  • Please do not file issues if it is not yet available for the latest Fedora version, better watch the tlp-updates-testing repository

  • In case of difficulties installing, please ask for help in your preferred Fedora forum


  • The RPM Fusion repository delivers build dependencies for the akmod-* packages

  • You must disable Secure Boot to use the ThinkPad specific packages

How to validate the Repository Keys

Kernel module packages provided by the ThinkPad Extras repository for Fedora are signed with a release specific key. Yo may check the fingerprint with the following procedure.

  1. Download the key:

wget https://repo.linrunner.de/fedora/tlp/repos/RPM-GPG-KEY-tlp-fedora-41-primary
  1. Get the fingerprint:

gpg -n -q --import --import-options import-show RPM-GPG-KEY-tlp-fedora-41-primary
  1. Check that the resulting fingerprint matches the fingerprint from the list below.

  2. If they match, import the key:

sudo rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-tlp-fedora-41-primary



12D4 0BFD 3011 21FE 3FB5 C015 7586 7412 AC4D D754


BFC3 0267 A648 4B13 0A8B D63A 5A95 D830 9811 B297


C279 E61F 6B48 9D22 A672 F8B1 B478 BF61 B8E3 FA4C


61A3 F536 A295 C543 C90B 6583 F211 4CD7 DD65 A6C4