Arch Linux
Execute the commands below in a root shell or with a preceding sudo.
Package Installation
Packages are available in the offical repositories:
tlp (Community) – Power saving
tlp-rdw (Community) – optional, Radio Device Wizard
Install them either with your favorite package manager or the command:
pacman -S tlp tlp-rdw
Service Units
To complete the installation you must enable TLP’s service:
systemctl enable tlp.service
Using the Radio Device Wizard (tlp-rdw) requires one more service:
systemctl enable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service
You should also mask the following services to avoid conflicts and assure proper operation of TLP’s Radio Device Switching options:
systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.service systemd-rfkill.socket
See also
FAQ: Service units
Refer to the Arch Wiki as well
Legacy ThinkPads only: External Kernel Module for Battery Care
Arch Linux (at the time of writing) provides kernel 6.10 (linux) or 6.6 (linux-lts). In combination with TLP 1.5 or newer this enables full battery care support (i.e. charge thresholds and recalibration) for ThinkPads from model year 2011 onwards.
An external kernel module (also referred to as “out-of-tree” module) is not required in this case, and the following steps are not necessary. However, if your model is from 2011 or older, read on.
Only if the bottom of the output of tlp-stat -b, section ‘Recommendations’, shows the line
Install tp-smapi kernel modules for ThinkPad battery thresholds and recalibration
then install the approriate package
tp_smapi (Community) – optional – External kernel module providing battery charge thresholds and recalibration for ThinkPads before model year 2011 as well as specific tlp-stat -b output until model year 2011
tp_smapi-lts (Community) – optional – Use instead of tp_smapi when the LTS kernel is installed
either with your favorite package manager or the command
pacman -S tp_smapi
You must disable Secure Boot to use the ThinkPad specific packages