

  • Debian oldstable, stable, testing and unstable

  • Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE)


Execute the commands below in a root shell or with a preceding sudo.

Package Repository

TLP and ThinkPad-related packages below are available via the official Debian repositories.

Newer TLP packages may be provided via Debian backports. Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb DIST-backports main

Replace DIST with the codename of your installed Debian version.

Update package data:

apt update

Package Installation

Install the following packages

either with your favorite package manager or the command:

apt install tlp tlp-rdw

For Debian backports use:

apt -t DIST-backports install tlp tlp-rdw

Replace DIST with the codename of your installed Debian version.

Legacy ThinkPads only: External Kernel Module for Battery Care


As of version 5.17, the Linux kernel in combination with TLP 1.5 or later offers full battery care support (i.e. charge thresholds and recalibration) for ThinkPads from model year 2011 onwards. Debian Bookworm meets this requirement with its kernel 6.1, the even newer Debian Sid kernel as well.

An external kernel module (also referred to as “out-of-tree” module) is not required in these cases, and the following steps are not necessary. However, if your model is from 2011 or older, read on.

Only if the bottom of the output of tlp-stat -b, section ‘Recommendations’, shows the line

Install tp-smapi kernel modules for ThinkPad battery thresholds and recalibration

then install the required package

  • tp-smapi-dkms (main) – optional – External kernel module providing battery charge thresholds and recalibration for ThinkPads before model year 2011 as well as specific tlp-stat -b output until model year 2011

either with your favorite package manager or the command

apt install tp-smapi-dkms


Bullseye: the acpi-call-dkms package in the official repositories is incompatible with backports kernels ≥ 5.13 and may cause TLP battery care malfunction, system freezes and reboots.

Solution: install acpi-call-dkms version 1.2.2 from Debian backports:

apt -t bullseye-backports install acpi-call-dkms


  • Refer to Debian backports for setup instructions

  • You must disable Secure Boot to use the ThinkPad specific packages