Start or restart TLP
Start TLP and apply power saving profile for the actual power source:
sudo tlp start
Also use this command to apply changes after editing the configuration.
Battery Mode
Apply battery profile and enter manual mode:
sudo tlp bat
Hint: manual mode means that changes to the power source will be ignored until the next reboot or tlp start is issued to resume automatic mode.
AC Mode
Apply AC profile and enter manual mode:
sudo tlp ac
Hint: manual mode means that changes to the power source will be ignored until the next reboot or tlp start is issued to resume automatic mode.
USB Autosuspend
Apply autosuspend mode for all attached USB devices except those excluded by default or via configuration:
sudo tlp usb
Optical Drive
Power off optical drive in MediaBay/Ultrabay:
sudo tlp bayoff
Re-power the drive by releasing and reinserting the drive slot/Ultrabay eject lever; on newer models push the media eject button
Devices other than optical drives – in particular hard disk drives – are not affected by this command
Battery Care
The availability of battery care, all of its individual features and the possible charge threshold values always depend on laptop vendor or brand, Linux kernel version and TLP version - consult Battery Care Vendor Specifics for details.
For further advice please visit the FAQ: Battery Care.
For laptops with two batteries, the secondary battery must be specified as a command parameter in order to select it. In many cases the main battery will be BAT0, the secondary battery BAT1. When in doubt, check the output of tlp-stat -b, which lists all batteries.
Change battery charge thresholds temporarily
sudo tlp setcharge [<start threshold> <stop threshold>] [<battery>]
Changes the charge thresholds for the battery to the given values.
Configured thresholds will be restored at the next boot or by using tlp setcharge again but without the threshold arguments.
sudo tlp setcharge 70 90 BAT0
Applies thresholds of 70/90% to battery BAT0.
tlp setcharge changes the charge thresholds only temporarily. To make the change permanent, you must activate or change the related settings in the config file. Refer to Battery Care.
Charge battery to full capacity
sudo tlp fullcharge [<battery>]
This is done by applying vendor presets to the charge thresholds temporarily. Configured thresholds will be restored at the next boot or by using tlp setcharge without the threshold arguments.
Hint: after setting the thresholds the command terminates; it does not wait for the charge to complete.
sudo tlp fullcharge BAT1
Charges battery BAT1 to full capacity.
Charge battery to the stop charge threshold once
sudo tlp chargeonce [<battery>]
This is done by temporarily lifting the start charge threshold. The configured start charge threshold will be restored at the next boot or by using tlp setcharge without the threshold arguments.
Hint: after setting he thresholds the command terminates; it does not wait for the charge to complete.
Force a complete/partial discharge of the battery while on AC power
Version 1.8 and newer
sudo tlp discharge [<battery>] [<level>]
Version 1.7 and older
sudo tlp discharge [<battery>]
Discharge stops at the specified charge level (in %). If none is specified the battery is fully discharged. The command continously shows remaining capacity and estimated discharge time. Discharging may be stopped at any time with Control-C.
The command needs the charger plugged in
As soon as the battery is empty, charging begins and the command terminates; it does not wait for the charge to complete
Normal use of the laptop is possible during the discharge process; it does not suddenly switch off when the battery is empty
ThinkPads with two batteries: the battery controller can only handle one battery at a time; while discharging one battery with this command the other battery can neither be charged nor discharged
When encountering problems, see the FAQ: Battery Care
Perform a battery recalibration while on AC power
sudo tlp recalibrate [<battery>]
This command works as follows:
The command needs the charger plugged in
Applies vendor presets to the charge thresholds
Discharges the selected battery completely;
As soon as the battery is empty, charging begins and the command terminates; it does not wait for the charge to complete
Normal use of the laptop is possible during the discharge process; it does not suddenly switch off when the battery is empty
Important: to complete the recalibration process, let the battery charge to 100 % subsequently; you may power off but not remove the charger
ThinkPads with two batteries: the battery controller can only handle one battery at a time; while discharging one battery with this command the other battery can neither be charged nor discharged
When encountering problems, see the FAQ: Battery Care
sudo tlp recalibrate BAT0
Recalibrates battery BAT0.
Configured thresholds will be restored at the next boot or by using tlp setcharge without the threshold arguments
ThinkPads with two batteries: the battery controller can only handle one battery at a time; while discharging one battery with this command the other battery can neither be charged nor discharged
Recalibration forces the battery pack to update the energy_full or charge_full information shown by tlp-stat -b
Recalibration does not repair defective or worn out batteries
Disk IDs
tlp diskid
Shows disk ids for configured drives.
Version 1.7
tlp --version
Shows the installed version.