This section explains how TLP’s settings are organized, the Config Files, the Parameter Syntax and Making Changes.
Quick Instructions
If you just want to make a quick change to the configuration, read this section and then read the rest later.
Open TLP’s main config file with a text editor:
sudo nano /etc/tlp.conf
Change the desired line(s). Before:
After – remember to remove the leading #:
In contrast to below, the two preceding code blocks are not shell commands but excerpts from the configuration file.
Save and quit the editor. Then activate your changes using the shell command
sudo tlp start
TLP uses two settings profiles that are automatically applied depending on the power source:
Parameters ending in _AC are effective when AC is connected
Parameters ending in _BAT are effective when running on battery
Parameters ending neither in _AC nor in _BAT apply to both profiles.
Parameters without intrinsic default (see below) must always be specified for both _AC and _BAT. Omitting one of the two makes the set value effective for both power sources, since a change only occurs when different values are defined.
Config Files
Settings are read from the following files in the specified order:
Intrinsic defaults
/etc/tlp.d/*.conf: Drop-in customization snippets, read in lexical (alphabetical) order
/etc/tlp.conf: User configuration
In case of identical parameters in several but also within the same file, the last occurence has precedence
This also means, parameters in /etc/tlp.conf will override anything else because it is read last
All parameters in /etc/tlp.conf are disabled, remove the leading # to activate your change
Config files in the /etc/tlp.d/ directory are created by the user:
Filenames must end in .conf, otherwise the file will be ignored
00-template.conf is provided as an example
If in doubt, put your configuration changes in /etc/tlp.d/01-mytlp.conf
Transfer settings when upgrading describes how to migrate your configuration from versions before 1.3
TLP versions 1.2.2 and older stored all settings in a single config file named /etc/default/tlp.
Parameter Defaults
Two kinds of parameters exist:
Parameters with intrinsic default:
Marked with “Default when unconfigured:” in this documentation
Preceded by “Default:” in /etc/tlp.conf
Parameters without intrinsic default
Parameter values given in this documentation and in the config files may be suggestions rather than intrinsic defaults.
Parameter Syntax
Config Files consist of parameter and comment lines.
Parameter lines
Parameter values containing blanks must be enclosed in double quotes:
USB_DENYLIST="1111:2222 3333:4444"
Comment lines
The content of lines beginning with a # in the first column is ignored completely:
#What is written here does not matter.
Empty lines are ignored as well.
Until version 1.5 comments after parameters are not allowed, the whole line will be silently ignored:
EXAMPLE="do not use like this" # Parameter in front is ignored - until version 1.5!
As of version 1.6 the above line is valid and taken into account.
Disabling features
Parameters without intrinsic default may be disabled by commenting them out with a leading #:
Parameters with intrinsic default may be disabled by entering an empty string:
Concatenation with +=
A nifty feature to add something to an intrinsic default (Example 1):
Intrinsic default DISK_DEVICES=”nvme0n1 sda”
plus /etc/tlp.d/01-mytlp.conf:
DISK_DEVICES+="sdb"Results in: DISK_DEVICES=”nvme0n1 sda sdb”
Or add values in a subsequent config file (Example 2):
USB_DENYLIST="1111:2222 3333:4444"plus /etc/tlp.d/02-hw-specific.conf:
USB_DENYLIST+="5555:6666"Results in: USB_DENYLIST=”1111:2222 3333:4444 5555:6666”
Making Changes
A config file can be changed with any text editor (root privilege is needed). For example:
sudo nano /etc/tlp.conf
sudo nano /etc/tlp.d/01-mytlp.conf
All changes must be activated by removing the leading # and, after saving the file, will take effect only
after a reboot,
plugging or unplugging AC
or by the shell command
sudo tlp start
When installing upgrades of TLP, the package manager asks for confirmation before overwriting a changed config file with an updated version. Please refer to Does upgrading TLP overwrite my settings?
See also
Use tlp-stat to:
Show active configuration files and enabled parameters: tlp-stat -c
Show the difference between default and user configuration: tlp-stat --cdiff
Get the TLP version installed: tlp-stat -s